Success Stories

Take a look at these incredible success stories clients of Pro Fit are sharing. Get started today, and you could be the next success story we share!

What Our Clients Say

Katey B

I lost my first ovary at 19, so losing the second at 27 meant no kids, early onset menopause, adrenal fatigue, weight gain, and a lot of new tricky issues that are all tied to my endocrine system.

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I tried all the hormone replacement offerings on the market (estrogen creams, bio-identicals, birth control, IUD) with no success. At 33 things got REALLY weird and I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Carcinoid lung cancer and had to have most of my right lung removed. I have spent a lot of years seeking out consult from doctors, specialists, nutritionists, and holistic practitioners to help piece together what’s happening in my body. I met Kelsey through a referral and let me tell you…she knows her stuff. Kelsey analyzed my bloodwork and salvia panel from a new perspective, the body as a whole. She swiftly sent over a gut protocol recommendation and encouraged me to seek out a new medication for people with autoimmune/genetic issues. After only 4 weeks, I feel better than I have in years. I can’t wait to keep moving forward with her recommendations. If you are suffering from chronic illness or just looking for general wellness information, Kelsey is your resource. She is smart, kind, intuitive, and quick to respond to whatever your body needs.” -Katey B, 35

Marisa Reese

Kelsey is unbelievable at what she does.  She has an amazing reputation in her career so I chose to come to her when my body started having issues that nobody could figure out WHY! Kelsey solved it within a couple days y’all.

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She had a food sensitivity test and blood panel run and knew immediately what was wrong. I had an IUD put in (Mirena) 7 months prior to coming to Kelsey. In that time period with no diet or exercise change, I put on 40+ pounds. You can imagine the frustration. After drawing labs she told me I needed supplements for my thyroid due to hypothyroidism and hormones as well as to have the IUD removed because it was causing the reaction within my body! After a month with Kelsey I was down 18 pounds. After 2 months I was completely back to myself. I still take my supplements and haven’t had one issue with weight and am feeling better than ever. Thank you so much Kelsey!!” - Marisa Reese

Libby S

I am a 61 year old Pharmacist, 15 year breast cancer survivor, wife, mom and fitness lover.  I maintain a very busy schedule but would still say I ate fairly healthy.  I tell you this to emphasize the importance of optimal health screening to prevent the development of disease.

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When I met with Kelsey I had digestive issues, fatigue and could just not lose the last 10-15 pounds despite exercising and eating healthy. Kelsey, the brains behind Pro Fit, has put in place the perfect plan for you to succeed.  The labs she makes available are the tool to help identify underlying causes of dysfunction and deficiencies.  She then creates a custom protocol using nutrition, supplements and lifestyle choices and breaks it down in an easy to apply way.    After just a few weeks I could tell a different in my energy and mood and after just 10 weeks I lost those stubborn pounds and my overall well being has greatly improved!I submitted two photos, in the first I am “fit” by most standards for my age, but lacked the muscle tone I desired.The second picture is after following Kelsey’s protocol for 6 months. In this time frame I was able to change my body composition by adding muscle and losing body fat!I am happy to say that with this new found knowledge, I have been able to fulfill a dream of mine to become a Health Coach.  With Kelsey’s direction, I feel even more qualified to be able to guide others to a healthier future!  If you are wanting to dig deep and get to the root of your everyday issues, start with Pro Fit Medicine!  I assure you it will be a profitable journey! -Libby S


I first started working with Kelsey in April 2021, she came highly recommended by several close friends. I was experiencing symptoms of extreme exhaustion, mood swings, cold hands and feet, dry hair and brittle nails, constant energy crashes and below average sleep, which is why I reached out to Kelsey.

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As a former D1 athlete, I knew my body very well and I knew something was off, even though my primary care doctor kept telling me my lab results were within normal limits. After completing an extensive phone call with Kelsey, she informed me she believed I had an autoimmune condition, which happens to be extremely under diagnosed in a lot of women. Before meeting Kelsey I had almost given up trying to figure out the reason for my constant exhaustion, and I was attributing it to the stressors that come with being a firefighter paramedic and shift work with lots of sleepless nights.

I was immediately sent to do a complete blood panel, which confirmed her suspicion of an autoimmune condition called Hashimotos. Kelsey explained the results of my labs in extreme detail, I was placed on an autoimmune protocol diet, and for the next year we had an hour long phone call every 2 weeks where I would tell her how I felt with the changes she implemented. I started paying more attention to how my body felt, and within a few short weeks I started noticing a big difference.

I started sleeping better, I stopped having energy crashes and food cravings, my overall mood improved, and I noticed my body composition was changing due to the fact that we eliminated a lot of inflammatory foods. With a better body image I became a lot happier and more confident, which translated positively into other aspects of my every day life. Kelsey takes extreme pride in connecting to every client on a personal level and acknowledging all of their concerns.

She also shows genuine care and compassion for the problems her clients are experiencing. She became a close friend and mentor in the process. Not only did she fix my issues, but she continuously teaches me things that keep having a positive impact on my life and the lives of people around me. If I could go back in time, I would get a nutritionist at a younger age and learn to have the relationship with food that I have today. Investing in our health is one of the most important investments we can make.

There is no doubt that knowing the things I learned working with Kelsey would have made me a better D1 athlete. I have recommended Kelsey to a lot of my friends and colleagues, and i continue to do so, so she could have a positive impact in their lives as well." - Ana

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