min read
June 20, 2024

Autoimmune Diseases: Causes + Ways to Reverse It

The immune system is like a vigilant guardian, always ready to protect us from the villains of the microscopic world – viruses, bacteria, and other sneaky invaders. But here's the plot twist: sometimes, this defender of our health gets a little carried away, mistaking our own body's tissues as enemies to be demolished. It's like a superhero going rogue and attacking innocent bystanders instead of the bad guys. Talk about a mix-up!

Now, you might be thinking, "Why on earth would our immune system betray us in such a bizarre way?" It turns out that this perplexing condition, known as autoimmunity, is not a sudden occurrence that springs up out of nowhere. It's more like a slow burn, simmering beneath the surface for years before it reveals itself in all its confusing glory.

In fact, many unsuspecting individuals experience what we call "low-grade autoimmune reactivity" long before they even realize something is amiss. These rebels within our own bodies slowly chip away at our tissues, causing damage that often goes unnoticed by traditional medical practitioners.

Autoimmune diseases are a major problem, and they're not to be taken lightly. The implications of this immune system mutiny are far-reaching, impacting the lives of countless individuals around the globe.

What You Should Do

Early detection is that secret weapon. By starting with a series of special tests of functional medicine labs, we can spot early signs of autoimmunity. One of these tests, called predictive autoimmunity, is like a detective sniffing out any unusual immune responses in your body. It checks for specific antibodies that are linked to different parts of your body, revealing potential trouble spots. Some common antibodies we often come across in these tests are:

  • Stomach: Parietal cell antigens, which can indicate problems with gastric autoimmunity.
  • Thyroid: Thyroid peroxidase antigens, associated with Hashimoto's disease—a condition affecting the thyroid.
  • Brain: Synapsin antigens, revealing issues with neurotransmitter release in the brain.
  • Adrenals: 21 hydroxylase (adrenal cortex) antigens, pointing to autoimmune endocrine disorders affecting the adrenals.

Who could benefit from these tests? Well, let me give you a handy list of candidates:

  1. If you have mysterious symptoms, but your regular lab tests come back normal, these functional medicine labs might hold the answers you've been searching for.
  2. People who have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance might find these tests helpful in uncovering other underlying issues.
  3. If you have leaky gut syndrome—a condition where the intestinal lining becomes permeable—these tests can shed light on potential autoimmune connections.
  4. Those who have already been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease can use these tests to explore additional factors affecting their health.

Now, it's important to note that these functional labs aren't used to diagnose autoimmune diseases. That's still done in the mainstream medical setting. Instead, we use these tests to investigate the underlying factors contributing to your health issues. Armed with this knowledge, we can create a personalized health program to tackle those issues head-on, targeting the specific areas where the antibodies are wreaking havoc.

Causes of Autoimmune Diseases

The exact triggers of autoimmune conditions are not fully understood, as they can vary depending on the specific condition. However, several factors are believed to contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions. Here are some commonly recognized triggers:

  1. Genetic predisposition: Certain autoimmune conditions tend to run in families, suggesting a genetic component. Having specific genes can increase the likelihood of developing an autoimmune disease, although they don't guarantee it. Genetic factors alone are not sufficient to cause an autoimmune condition, but they may create a predisposition to develop one.

  1. Environmental factors: Various environmental factors have been implicated in triggering autoimmune conditions. These can include infections (viral, bacterial, or fungal), exposure to certain chemicals or toxins, and environmental pollutants. These factors can potentially trigger an immune response, leading to an autoimmune reaction in susceptible individuals.

  1. Hormonal factors: Hormonal imbalances and changes can play a role in the development or exacerbation of autoimmune conditions. Women are more prone to autoimmune diseases than men, suggesting a hormonal influence. Fluctuations in hormone levels during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can impact the immune system and contribute to the development of autoimmune disorders.

  1. Chronic stress: Prolonged stress can have a detrimental effect on the immune system. It may lead to dysregulation of immune responses, making individuals more susceptible to autoimmune conditions. Stress can also exacerbate existing autoimmune conditions and contribute to their progression.

  1. Gut health and microbiome: The health of the gut and the composition of the gut microbiome are increasingly recognized as potential triggers or influencers of autoimmune diseases. Imbalances in gut bacteria, intestinal permeability (leaky gut), and alterations in the gut immune system can contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions.

  1. Certain medications: Some medications, such as certain antibiotics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), have been associated with the development of autoimmune conditions or triggering flare-ups in individuals who are genetically susceptible.

It's important to note that while these factors can contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions, they do not necessarily guarantee their occurrence. Autoimmune diseases are complex and multifactorial, often involving a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental triggers. Further research is needed to fully understand the precise mechanisms and triggers for each autoimmune condition.

Ways to Reverse Autoimmune Disease Symptoms

Autoimmune diseases are a complex group of conditions in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and tissues in the body. These diseases can affect various organs and systems, leading to a range of symptoms and significant discomfort for those diagnosed. While conventional medicine focuses primarily on managing symptoms, functional medicine offers a holistic approach aimed at addressing the root causes of autoimmune diseases and promoting healing.

  1. Identify and Address Underlying Triggers: Functional medicine focuses on identifying and eliminating triggers that contribute to autoimmune diseases, such as chronic infections, food sensitivities, toxins, stress, and hormonal imbalances. Comprehensive testing helps pinpoint these triggers for personalized treatment plans.

  1. Adopt an Anti-Inflammatory Diet: An anti-inflammatory diet reduces inflammation and alleviates symptoms of autoimmune diseases. It involves consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods while avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, gluten, dairy, and allergens. Emphasize anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, nuts, and seeds.

  1. Support Gut Health: Gut health plays a crucial role in autoimmune diseases. Functional medicine uses dietary modifications, probiotics, prebiotics, and targeted interventions to restore a healthy gut balance, strengthen the gut lining, and reduce immune system activation.

  1. Manage Stress and Prioritize Sleep: Chronic stress and inadequate sleep worsen autoimmune symptoms. Stress management techniques like mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and exercise can reduce stress levels. Prioritize good sleep hygiene, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, and practicing relaxation techniques.

  1. Optimize Nutritional Status: Nutritional deficiencies contribute to autoimmune symptoms. Functional medicine assesses nutritional status and recommends targeted supplementation, including vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, zinc, selenium, and antioxidants. Work with a healthcare professional for appropriate dosages and monitoring.